VM Program Fundraising
“Afterward He journeyed from one town and village to another, preaching and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. Accompanying Him were some women Mary, called Magdalene, Joanna, the wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, Susanna, and many others who provided for him out of their resources
Mark 8:1-3
VM Fundraising Goal
6 Steps of Fundraising
1st: Become Passionate.
This mission is easy to become passionate about. Get excited and show it!
People want to donate to people who are passionate and excited about the mission.
Watch the VM video, and remember why you said yes, listen to each other’s testimonies
2nd: Create a list of people
Excel or Google Sheets are great resources. It helps you be organized. The God Ask contact lists are super helpful for tracking interactions and for name-storming
Expand your list. Don’t assume people will say no. They could say yes.
3rd: Be Personal and Bold
Take time to write a fundraising letter, print and mail it out.
Address each letter to them, handwrite your signature, write a quick note that is personal.
Make it easy and convenient to donate.
Extra envelope for check donations, with the mailing address and a stamp.
Ask for a bit more than the minimum donation. The average VM monthly donation is $55/mo. You'd be surprised at how many people are willing to pay more.
Talk to people over the phone or meet in person
4th: Ask for help
We can be stubborn and think we got this. Whenever you have questions, ask!
There are people who have a lot of knowledge to share
5th: Start now
It gives you more time to make a good list of potential donors
Write a really good fundraising letter
If you need to fundraise more, it gives you more time to do that
6th: Pray!
The Lord has a plan.
You are not doing this alone. This is God’s work. He will help you.
He will give strength, courage, and knowledge.
*Copies are available for checkout from OSU Newman.
Available on the google drive is
scripts of what to say (in email, texts, graduation letters)
fundraising letters
tracking your fundraising progress
fundraising planning worksheet
student loan information
Chapter of The God Ask
OSU Newman is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and all donations to Newman are tax-deductible. Unfortunately, if a donor supports you through another means, such as a personal check in your name or through GoFundMe, these donations are not tax-deductible. See below for ways for donors to donate to Newman directly.
Send a check
2127 NW Monroe, Corvallis, OR 97330
memo: VM “Your Name”
Donate Online
They can do a one time donation or become a monthly donor but donating to your VM campaign page.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Volunteer Missionary Program Director at vmprogram@osunewman.org