We are inviting everyone to celebrate Holy Week like never before! We have many activities and opportunities planned to help us live this week to the fullest. Each day of Holy Week, there will be 3 levels of events: some are at a personal level, small group level, and community level. Sign-ups for these events will be available soon!
(For alternative mass times, go to stmarycorvallis.org)
You are invited to do a week-long personal, silent retreat for 2 hours a day on the topic “Holy Week After the Footsteps of Jesus”. Retreat material, daily videos, and booklets will be provided to you digitally, and there will be private retreat rooms available for reservation at the Newman Center.
Small Group:
There will be 3 options every day for small groups:
Intellectual - small group discussions on sermons by St. John Henry Newman in the Newman Living Room.
Service - with 2 variations: A) service to the poor and B) service to the elderly. Meet at the Newman Center.
Spiritual - with 2 variations: A) Rosary of Visibility (at the MU Quad) and B) Rosary of Intercession (at the highest point on campus). Rosaries on Monday are at 11 am, Tuesday-Friday at 12 pm. Meet at Newman to walk over together, no sign up required.
Community Events:
Palm Sunday 3/28
7 pm Palm Sunday Student Mass, St. Mary’s
Monday 3/29
3:30 pm Chrism Mass with Archbishop Sample, Livestreamed here.
5 pm All Newman Night, Zoom link
Tuesday 3/30
5 pm Mass of Faithfulness, Newman Chapel
6 pm Standing Outside Dinner, Newman Courtyard
Wednesday 3/31
12 pm-6 pm Confession, St. Mary’s
5 pm Mass, St Mary’s
6 pm Light Dinner before Lecture, Parish Center
6:30 pm Lecture by Abbot Jeremy of Mt. Angel Abbey, Parish Center, Talk: "Awesome Glory: Our share in Christ's death and resurrection”, RSVP required: Lecture & Dinner RSVP
Maundy Thursday 4/1
9 am-7:30 pm Adoration, Newman Chapel. Sign up for individual adoration in the Oriel Room here.
9 pm Mass of the Last Supper, St. Mary’s
10:30 pm Adoration, St. Mary’s
11:30 pm Celebration of the Priesthood, Parish Center
Good Friday 4/2
3 pm Adoration of the Cross, St Mary’s
9am-2pm, 6-8pm Confession, Newman Chapel
6:30 pm Bread & tea, Newman Center
7 pm Viewing of The Passion, Newman Chapel
9:15 pm Office of Darkness, Newman Chapel
Holy Saturday 4/3
8:30 pm Easter Vigil Mass, St. Mary’s
11:30 pm Easter Celebration, Parish Center
Easter Sunday 4/4
6 am Sunrise Hike with Lauds, Chip Ross, to carpool meet at Newman at 5:40 am
7 pm Easter Sunday Student Mass, St. Mary’s