Volunteer Missionary Program

The Volunteer Missionary program is for young adults who freely commit 10 months to serve the Lord and be the evangelizing wing of college ministry. The VM year is currently available in Oregon and Washington, D.C. The year is, first and foremost, a program of missionary formation and, secondly, a missionary program.



4 Pillars of Missionary Formation



VMs develop an interior life that helps them fulfill their call to holiness. We provide spiritual training and prayer workshops, weekly and monthly personal retreats, and the guidance of a spiritual director. Consequently, VMs grow in their radiation of Christ when they speak, are silent, and in their daily activities.


We offer the opportunity to complete a Theology Certificate. Through these courses VMs receive intellectual formation i areas that relate to their apostolate - the work entrusted to them. VMs grow in their ability to articulate their faith in a clearer and more dynamic way.


As Jesus called a community of disciples and invested in them, this program also strives to form men and women in human virtue so that they may be able to develop their full potential in Christ. Intentional community life and strategic leadership formation are some of the ways in which the Lord shapes hearts for service.


At the beginning of the year, all the necessary materials and training are provided. However, we believe that the most important training happens on site as VMs serve meeting with students one-on-one, sharing their life of faith with others, giving talks, preparing logistics, etc. We work as a team in planning, execution, and evaluation complimenting each other’s gifts.




Questions? Want to apply? Email vmprogram@osunewman.org

“Go and make disciples of all nations.” - Mt 28