Saints to Imitate

Fr. Maximo encourages us to pick one of these saints' stories to read this year, and to imitate them as we seek to grow in holiness.

  1. Set All Afire (St Francis Xavier) – Louis de Wohl
  2. The Restless Flame (St Augustine) – Louis de Wohl
  3. The Quiet Light (St. Thomas Aquinas) – Louis de Wohl
  4. Lay Siege to Heaven (St Catherine of Siena) – Louis de Wohl
  5. The Joyful Beggar (St Francis of Assisi) – Louis de Wohl
  6. The Golden Thread (St Ignatius of Loyola) – Louis de Wohl
  7. The Shadow of the Father (St Joseph) - Jan Dobraczynski
  8. St Maria Goretti: In Garment All Red – Godfrey Robert Poage
  9. St Joan: The Girl Soldier – Louis de Wohl
  10. The Story of a Soul – Saint Therese of Lisieux
  11. Testimony of Hope - Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan
  12. Confessions – Saint Augustine