NEwman Lectures

The Newman Lectures aim to foster an important discussion: between faith and reason, faith and the university. Any university student will find intellectually helpful and enriching to enter such discussion. The atmosphere of the university presents the perfect grounds for this conversation. John Henry Newman, a professor at Oxford University for many years and the founder of the Catholic University of Dublin said in his “Idea of University”:

“This I conceive to be the advantage of a set of universal learning, considered as a place of education. (…) Thus is created a pure and clear atmosphere of thought, which the student also breathes, though in his own case he only pursues a few sciences out of the multitude.” (Idea, 95)

We must not reduce knowledge and education just to our own area of interest or expertise. A university should provide the possibility for that interaction among different sets of knowledge within an organic education. It is not necessary to study or know everything, but to know that the different branches of science are not limited simply to their proper subject. While a certain division of branches enables you to refine your tasting, thinking, and deciding; a liberal education that creates this dialog, truly helps the enlargement of your mind.

This is the goal of the Newman Lectures: a true enlargement of mind. For this purpose we want to bring the best speakers in each area. There are three lectures held per year, once each academic term. See below for information about upcoming Newman Lectures. If you would like to receive updates about upcoming lectures, please fill out this form.


Past Newman Lectures