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Pilgrimage to the Grotto

  • The Grotto 8840 NE Skidmore St Portland, OR (map)

Registration Closed on May 23

The walking Pilgrimage to the Grotto is a 3-day walking event to consecrate ourselves to our Blessed Mother. We begin at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Salem and we make our way to the Grotto of Our Lady of Sorrows in Portland. Along the way, walkers are encouraged to join each other in prayer and authentic conversation as together we all seek to grow in holiness and friendship in our journey toward heaven. We will stay overnight at Father Bernard Youth Center (Mt. Angel, OR) and Canby Grove Retreat Center (Canby, OR). Bathrooms are available throughout the entire weekend.

Because of the COVID-19 situation, we will have a screening protocol each day to ensure no one is experiencing symptoms. Most of the weekend will be spent outside with room for social distancing. Our overnight accommodations will allow for separate cabins of small groups to limit exposure.

The Pilgrimage is for college students and young adults ages 18-25 as well as Newman Community Alumni. Register as soon as possible! The cost is $50 which will cover food, lodging, and a brightly colored T-shirt for visibility as we walk.

For more information, contact

Logistics Meeting for Pilgrims:


Sunday, May 23rd • 8:30 pm (after mass) • St. Mary’s Upper Social Hall & Zoom (link here)

May 26

Worship Night

June 3

End of Year Celebration