Newman Center at Oregon State

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August Update - A Letter from Father Maximo

Dear All,

Greetings from Detroit! More precisely from Sacred Heart Major Seminary (SHMS), where I am together with Fr. Ivan, Fr. Ignacio, and two other SSJ priests studying for the summer. We are doing a license in sacred theology (known by the acronym STL). This program used to be a two-year full-time program, as it usually is around the world. However, at SHMS a group of very accomplished professors have designed the first ever online 4-year long STL program, for priests who are in full time ministry to be able to study. It has been true gift for us. Now, Fr. Ignacio and Fr. Federico are finishing their final thesis. Fr. Ivan is in his second year, and Fr. Teo and me who just begun this summer… we are the freshmen! There’s 35 of us in the program, and each priest carries a lot of wisdom and experiences.

So, besides the studies I have been enjoying a lot the mealtimes to share experiences, stories, resources, and have some fun too! We are truly squeezing our time here. Rise at 5:45 AM to pray, Mass at 7:00, breakfast, and classes from 8:45 to 12:15. Then it’s time for lunch and class from 1:30 to 4:00. Afterwards, that’s when we pray our Rosary and do some sports (I’ve been playing a lot of basketball; getting myself up to pace for Wednesday nights!). Then it’s dinner time, and studying till 9:00 PM, when we do our holy hour, followed by a more relaxed time for fellowship when we share some of the insights of what we study with others. It has been such a privilege to be able to devote this undivided time to study and deepen so many interesting aspects of our faith.

Next Friday I have my last final, and I’m flying back to Oregon that same night. I am really looking forward to being back in Oregon and I miss everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and staying strong in the faith. Remember to stand back up when you fall. Mass, confession, and your morning offerings will keep your faith strong during the summer. Finally, I invite you to expect great things for this year. We have an amazing group of volunteer missionaries getting ready to evangelize, the Newman Lectures we have lined up for this year are top notch, and ETW promises to be the best one yet!


Be assured of my prayers,

Be strong,

And be holy!

~Father Maximo

Father Maximo Stock is the director of the Newman Center at Oregon State University and a priest of the Saint John Society, a Society of Apostolic Life founded in Argentina dedicated to the New Evangelization.