Newman Center at Oregon State

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Fall 2018 Update

“Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”
By Julia Wilson at Powell Butte Retreat Center


Someone said that, “This generation of Christians is responsible for this generation of people”. At Newman we could say that, “This generation of Catholic students is responsible for this generation of students”. We feel that responsibility at OSU Newman, and we don’t desire to drift from it. By the power of the Spirit, we want to collaborate with the work of evangelization of Jesus Christ in these exciting times in history. Are we dreaming of having any substantial impact in this generation of students? We need leaders who are on fire for their Lord. We need disciples with the fire of John, and Mary Magdalene, Mark and Luke, with the fire of St Paul and Barnabas. In this newsletter you will find their stories. Stories of sinners striving to be saints. Because only holiness will change the world!

God Bless!

Fr. Maximo Stock


"This summer, despite my distance from the Newman community, I was able to persevere in my faith.  Last year, it was difficult to grow without the community, but this year I wanted to have a summer centered in Christ.  I went to daily mass, prayed rosaries and went to Adoration frequently.  This summer full of growth renewed me and made me excited to return to a community that is so on fire for the Lord."


"Camp Verso L’alto truly was a journey to the heights for me both spiritually and physically. It was a break from the break to rekindle friendships, together as a community and with Christ. This experience has shown me that the aspect of community can still be present even when school is out, because we aren’t just a Newman community, we are a Catholic community formed by Christ himself and sent to the heights."


"At the Evangelization Training Weekend, all I could think of was hope in a community that is willing to expand to bring more people into the truth and gain the skills necessary to lead others. I was inspired by the dedication of 50 student leaders, but also by that of Bishop Cary. How he celebrated Mass and spoke about the beauty of silence and freedom truly elevated my understanding of true faith and mission."


"This Volunteer Missionary experience is nothing short of incredible. Already, my relationship with God has transformed. My faith is no longer obligatory and dry. Even as a lifelong Catholic, I am learning new things about the faith everyday through helping lead the Alpha and RCIA courses, having an intentional prayer schedule, and sharing the faith with people in one on one meetings. God has truly blessed us with this experience."

"I have always had a deep passion for the pro-life mission. When Jason Jones came to speak at Oregon state he reinvigorated my dedication to protect the unborn. He has a powerful personal testimony with an abortion experience which really hit own to me as it made me again realize how important and real this issue is today."